We would love for you to order from our website and we will be giving a portion of the proceeds of every sale to the victims of Hurricane Helene! As many of you are aware our state of North Carolina was the hardest hit along with Tennessee, Florida, South Carolina and Georgia.

Prophetic Art and photography in high quality archival art prints. The art prints can be printed on paper, canvas, acrylic or metal. We have the most amazing Art, Photography, and Handcrafted Items by Artists, Photographers, and Artisans from around the world. We offer the perfect gifts for any occasion. 

Our art has the unique ability to step into how you feel and who you are to help create freedom and beauty in your life! It is art that reaches your heart and soul and lifts you up!

Welcome to Prophetics Gallery!

Buy the gift of art!


 Art that lifts you up and beautifies your home or office!

Prophetic Art, Photography and Artisan Handmade items from over 120+ artists, artisans, and photographers in over 15+ countries. We are the world's largest source of Prophetic Art and creativity!

We sell art prints on your choice of several archival papers, canvas, metal, and acrylic. We do offer matting and frame options as well. In addition, we have handcrafted items such as sculptures, jewelry, apparel, gift items and more.

Decorate your home or office and find exciting gifts with incredible works of art handcrafted by artists, photographers, and artisans from around the world.

Welcome to Prophetics Gallery!


What Is Prophetic Art?

Prophetic Art is art that tells a story and brings hope, healing and encouragement. It is often considered as art that speaks to your soul. The artists and artisans that we represent bring an element of spiritual inspiration through their own personal stories and how they overcame life's challenges. Their stories and prophetic words often help others to overcome adversity. Sometimes the artist or artisan may refer to scriptures from the Bible to illustrate their message or they use prayerful words that come from their heart. The purpose is to give uplifting messages of hope not only visual but also in written words. You will find their words written for each art piece we sell under the short and full descriptions on our website as you review each art piece. Our customers love this feature and the beauty it brings to their home or office!

They say "a picture paints a thousand words", and we can't agree more. The art and creativity we represent goes beyond words to show you insight and meaning to uplift your heart and soul and beautify your home or office.



Artwork from Anatolli Tarasiuk from the Ukraine as well as others from around the world!




Bronze Sculptures by artist Avril Ward from the Cayman Islands!




Amazing Photography From Mark Polege and several other well know photographers!




Gift Items abound with our gallery!






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To use this feature, Just look for the "Live Preview AR" button when viewing any piece of art on this website!

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This Website Supports Augmented Reality to Live Preview Art

This means you can use the camera on your phone or tablet and superimpose any piece of art onto a wall inside of your home or business.

To use this feature, Just look for the "Live Preview AR" button when viewing any piece of art on this website!


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